Sounddog breda
Sounddog breda

sounddog breda

Draper's-gardens, Aituras rose Is 3d Gold, 6d, to7s 6d Frontino and Bolivia, ls:, LO 7, Gi-ld Hill, 3, to 3- 3 i Lisbon Berlyn, 3d, t, 3s 6 i Montana â, to 7i Rusell G Id, Is, to 7s 6u Viola, 1 16, ro Ij Richmond fell 1, to 5 Mysore Gold, to Si Devon Consols, I ro 21 Telegraphs and Telepli,)iies. Mines.-Ac cording to the list of Messrs Seward and Co., of 7. IlIsurance-P.tlas fell London and Lan- cashire Fir-, 1. Banks.-London Joint Stock rose Union of Australia, 1. New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio fell § r.ake Sh"re, 4 Central Pacific of California, i Illinois Central, 3 New York Central, 3 Philadelphia and 'Reading Shares, i Denver au'i Rio Grande, f, Louisville and Nasnville, | Chicago and Milwaukee, § Wabash Ordi- nary and Preference, k UlllOn Pacific, i 4 Central of Nev, Jersey Shares, 4J, J'lrie Preference, 2j. ^Northern P.icifio Preference rose li Pennsylvania, 4 Erie Second, A. Late in the afternoon tlae character of the market wa» changed by the receipt of better prices, and the finish was stronger. Union Pacific issues were very weak, and so were Norfolk and Western Preference, and Chicago and Milwaukee. The bears in consequence, were selling freely with the result that a general depression followed.

sounddog breda

American Railway M.aiket was aeain dis- organised owing to a hoavy fall reported from New York, whre rumours of difficulties were again rife. Mexican was weak at first, but steaay at the finish, Second Preference i-ising 4. Business in Foreign Railways were limited. Ordinary shares fell i First Preference, J Second, i Third, å Four percent 4 Canadian Pacific, 4. There was a general sale, but not important, and prices gave way. Grand Trunks sympathised with weakness in American Railways. For Indian Railways there was a quiet market.

#Sounddog breda plus

Sur- plus Lands, i Metropolitan District, £ North British, i North-Eastarn, 21 and South- Eastern A, J. Sheffield Ordinary rose 1 Caledonian 'fell g Great Eastern, 1 Great Northern A, 11 Brighton A, i Chatham Ordinary and Preference, j Sheffield Deferred, £ Metropolitan Ordinary,i do. The revenue stacement of the London and Brighton Company fell the m(,nth r.f July shows an increased Hiett revenue or £ 7,800. A few sales were made, and both good, and passenger lines were about equally depressed. The Engii li Rnilway market was again dull and weak. Egyptian D, ira rose s M' xicm, i Italian, i Portuguese, Spanish 1-16 Peruvian, j I Egyptian Prefp,rt-nte, Guatemala, 1868, and stamped bonds, 3 1869, and stamped bonds, 1?. Russian, Hungarian, nd Spanijh were at times easier. In the absence of business speculative issues were rather disposed to h weak, but Peruvian ap- peared to be the only stocks that suffered, though the decline in them was not important. Reducen and New Three per Cents, rlosen at 102 to 102g New 2 2 per Cents., 93 t< Fresh dealings were limited, and the markets generaliv wer- flat. Attention was mainly centred in the settlement, which was condurled without any difficulties worth mentioning. Very littlw business was doing on the Stock Exchange. The Discount rate for three mouths' bills was to-day 2i to 21 per cent., and for 60 days, 2 P?r cent. The Bank of England is reported to be borrowing money on Consols, with the objeot of making an open market, and official quotations approximate more closely, but with very little effect so far. Thera was more doing in money owing to the fortnightly settlement, but the market was far from animated, and day-to-iay loans did not make more than 1 per cent. Finals Netherlands in 2017 and played at the semi-finals of the FeMMe-battles (2016).Īt the beginning of 2017 the band released it’s first EP Prometheus Promise and received great reviews both Nationally as Internationally.MONEY MARKET. Enchanting melodies, amazi ng vocals, energizing drums and solid old-school guitar lines. Pandora’s Key, a Symphonic metal band from The Netherlands takes you on a journey into ancient history, yourself and indefinite time. Behind the scenes the members are working on new material and hope to be able to share their skills and creations with a big audience by performing and launching new material. The band has set itself a number of ambitious goals. With the return of violin player and composer Rowan Schuddeboom (Rhovanion, Pyrates, Sneeuwstorm Ensemble) and the joining of the new members, vocalist Kelly Thans, guitar player Bram Luiken and drummer Dimmy Marcelissen (TerraDown), the band has a lot of potential to grow and develop in different directions. 2018 was a defining year for the band, including a lot of new faces.

Sounddog breda